
Katarzyna Pilecka (1550?), Pilica

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Paper:     ‘The monumental body & layers of significance: interpreting infant imagery
               in Renaissance Poland.’
               Annual Seminar on Early Modern Polish History, University of Oxford, 25 January                2007.
Paper:      ‘The Polish putto & skull on funeral monuments to Renaissance children:
               rudiments of laughter, grotesque bodies & mythic boundaries.’
               Presented at two conferences:
               Boundaries, Annual School of Humanities Graduate Research Centre Conference,                University of Sussex, 20 July 2005.
               Birth, Marriage, Death, Postgraduate Conference, University of Stirling, 21–22                May 2005.
Paper:     ‘Child monuments in Renaissance Poland: changes in form and presentation
               during the period 1500–1650.’
               Art Re-formed? Re-assessing the Impact of the Reformation on the Visual Arts,
               International Conference, Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of
               Sussex, 14–15 April 2005.
Paper:      ‘Celebration of the child on funerary monuments in Renaissance Poland.’
               Research Seminar, Sussex Centre for Research in the History of Art,
               University of Sussex, 9 February 2005.
Paper:       ‘The iconography of child monuments in Renaissance Poland: the reclining putto.’
               Forum on Early Modern Central Europe, Warburg Institute, London, 17 Nov 2004.
Paper:       ‘Patterns of patronage in Polish funeral monuments for children, c.1525–1600’.
               Presented at two conferences:
               University of Sussex, History of Art Symposium, 26 June 2002.
               Power & Persuasion: Sculpture in its Rhetorical Context, Sixth Biennial
               Conference of Polish & British Art Historians, University of Leeds, 7-11 April 2002.


  Self-fashioning and Early Modern Portraits in England, Insitute of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania
  Day school: Imaging the Court: Painting & Royal Patronage, Sussex U3A Region  
  Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, WEA, Worthing
  Art of Ancient Egypt, WEA, Worthing

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For details on Papers and Publications, email jjlabno@jjlabno.co.uk